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如題 最近找了好多家自行車行

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如題 最近找了好多家自行車行

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瑜珈服,yoga服官方即將要在一個禮拜內發佈新的穩定版 0.A了 來看看更新了什麼吧! 內容原址 http://smf.cataclysmdda.com/index.php?topic=5411.msg91548#msg91548 Here's thechangelog you slavedrivers. It's a MONSTER. 這些是更新記錄!你們這些奴隸銀行的老闆!內容妖獸多的啦! 0.A Features: 功能: View item on mouse hover in SDL. 可利用滑鼠查看物品 Mouse move. 用滑鼠移動 Basic LUA support. 支援基本的LUA (MOD用) Vehicles disintegrate into their constituent parts on impact. 車輛撞到有可能會掉零件(保險桿掉下來之類的) Fuel tanks preserve their contents when removed/installed. 油箱移除/安裝時裡面的內容物不會消失 Vehicle construction and repair using duct tape. 能用大力膠帶來修車 -.-||| More distinct mutation trees, including branch thresholds and post-threshold mutations. 更獨特的突變樹,包含各種生長方式 Interact with monsters on stairs. 在樓梯上與怪物的互動(指的是能把怪打下樓梯?) Guilt from killing monsters tapers off as you kill more of them. 殺怪造成的罪惡感將隨著殺戮數目成反比(就是殺越多越麻木了) Can track vehicles with a GPS module. 能夠透過GPS模組來定位車輛 Allow filtering constructions by the ones you can do right now (can toggle). 能夠過濾製作列表只列出目前能製作的物品(可切換) Idling for vehicles, can effectively run as generators. 車輛怠速,能夠充當一個高效率的發電機 Minifridge that keeps food fresh longer. 小冰箱能夠讓食物保鮮的久一點 Clothing pockets and hoods only activate when needed. (for warmth) 衣物的口袋與帽子會在需要保暖時才會自動使用。 Inventory and crafting menus support listing items by category. 物品與物品製作列表能夠依照屬性分類。 Expanded underwater combat. 增加水下戰鬥功能 Item spoilage rate varies based on temperature. 物品的腐敗速度依照溫度有所不同 More info in list monsters menu. 在怪物列表有更多資訊可看 Rechargeable battery pack mod for tools. 各種工具可用的充電電池模組 Gunmods are installed on rails now. 槍械模組現在安裝在槍管上 Better gender handling at character creation. 創角色時男女分際更加明顯 Expanded vehicle electrical system. 拓展車輛電路系統 Can pick up or drop partial stacks. 能夠「部分」撿起或是放下堆疊的物品 (就是按g撿一堆物品的時候可以選數量) Shove items out of the way when closing a door. 關門的時候會把擋在門口的物品推開 Radioactive items. 放射性物品 Mutation friendly clothing. 突變者可穿的衣服 Remove prompt to resume task, of course you want to. 移除「繼續作業?」的提示,你一定是會要繼續的(比如說加固窗戶到一半被打斷,回來要繼續作業的時候的提示) Vehicle facing indicator (option). 可在選項中開啟車頭指示器(才知道你的車現在朝向哪邊) Fullscreen mode. 全、螢、幕、模、式 Show contents of grabbed vehicle (e.g. your shopping cart) in advanced inventory pane. 在高級物品管理面板中顯示目前拉著車子的內容(如購物車) Fishing, find a pole! 可以釣魚 … Automatic view shifting when driving (option). 開車時自動視野移動(可選) Zoom mode that dynamically resizes tiles (pretty slow when zoomed unfortunately). 縮放模式會動態的把字符放大縮小(運氣不好的話會造成效率變差(喂!)) Search known recipes by output, tool or component. 能夠利用搜尋功能來找已知的工具與零件 Infrastructure: 基礎設施: (大部分是跟程式有關的就不翻了) Overmap tiles moved to json. Lots of warning cleanup. 清理一堆警告訊息 More development of internal json library. Mod manager. 模組管理器 Can define mapgen for tiles in json or LUA. Traps moved to json. Standalone json checker. Refactored monsters and players to have a common parent class. Retrieve items from inventory based on location instead of invlet. Ammo types moved to json. Blacklist and whitelist for including/excluding content. Balance: 平衡: Sleep increases rate of fatigue recovery and healing over time. 提昇睡眠時減少疲勞度並痊癒的能力。 Remove automatic matches and poketknife from player spawn. 腳色產生時預設將不會有摺疊小刀。 Add skintight flag for underwear-type clothing to negate layering penalties. 增加一些貼身衣物(罩罩跟褲褲),內衣屬性不列入懲罰。 First Aid and bandages take time to apply now. 急救箱跟繃帶使用時會需要耗時間。 Increased city size variability. 增加城市規模種類(目前看來有沙漠城市) Turrets have finite ammo. 步哨槍塔將有有限的彈藥 Reduce rate of damage for "real armor" as opposed to "clothes". 真正的護甲能夠有效的降低傷害,而不是一般的衣物。 Zombies spawn at last stand locations. 殭屍會在上一次發現的地點出現 Burning ammo only throws shrapnel, no explosion. 燒彈藥只會噴出碎片,而不是爆炸(真實情況是這樣嗎??) Increased crafting distance to 6 to enable large workshops. 增加製作物品的距離到6,用來方便當做大型工作室 Progressive difficulty searching for lab notes. 依照找到的實驗室筆記來增加遊戲的進度並提升難度。(就是我之前翻得要死的一堆實驗室筆記) Large-scale vehicle rebalances. 車輛參數大調整 Improved code that determines what body part is hit by an attack. 增強人體被攻擊的部位偵測 Water purification methods use one charge per unit of water. 淨化水源的方法一次都以一單位的水來算 Buffed water resistant clothing. 多了一些防潑水的衣物(?) Removed acid puddles from acid rain. (no more melting items). 下酸雨時不會有酸液坑(不會再把物品融掉了) Buffed most zombie HP. 增加大部分殭屍的生命值 (……………) Large nerf to solar panels. 大幅削弱太陽能板 (………也好啦,不然太陽能車無敵了,我預測0.A是油電混合車的天下) Effectively remove cap to starting points option (set to 1,000). 提昇初始人物點數的限制到達1000點 More interesting gun misfire/jam mechanics, guns can take damage now. 增加了有趣的(?)槍械走火/卡彈機制,槍械現在會有受損的狀態 Varied rate of projectile breakage with a flag, more differentiation between arrow types. 投射物將有不同的狀態,例如弓箭的箭矢會有 【刮傷的 箭矢】的狀況。 Content: 內容: Atomic coffee, energy drink and hypospray, lawn darts, MOLLE pack, fingertip razors. 原子咖啡,能量飲料、無針注射器、草坪飛鏢、戰術背包、指尖刮鬍刀(…..) Too many mutations to list, including mutagen types and recipes. 無法列出的大量突變,包含了各種突變劑與配方 Map types, ammo reloads, vehicle curtains, creepy doll, whiskey barrels. 地圖種類,可充填彈藥、車用窗簾、恐怖娃娃(鬼娃恰吉?),威士忌酒桶(這能搬得動嗎-.-) Hibernation mutation, lots of cop and fireman gear, IV mutagen, piles of new traits. 休眠狀態的突變,許多的警用與消防裝備,IV突變劑,一堆新特質。瑜珈服去哪買,瑜珈服推薦 Mutation-themed dreams, cowbell, atomic batteries, dojo and contents, 有關突變主題的夢,牛鈴,核子電池,道場與內容。 vending machines and bank cards. 自動販賣機與金融卡。 Dinocataclysm added as a mod at long last! 恐龍大災變增加到了模組列表(Z換成D嗎-.-) Lots more terrain and furniture is now bashable. 大量的地形家具現在都能夠被砸壞。瑜珈服去哪買,瑜珈服推薦 Several new houses and other buildings 數個新房子,與其他種類的建築. Variations of vehicle condition (damaged, blood-splattered, engine running, etc) 多種的車輛狀態(受損,沾血,引擎怠速,等等) Creatures fling around appropriate fluids and chunks when gibbed. 爆屍的時候會噴出相對應的體液與屍塊(嗜血者的最愛!) Several content packs that allow enabling/disabling different categories of content. 可依照需求類別來啟用/停用內容包 Shoggoth. Bugfixes: 問題修正: Prevent artifact swords from sticking all the time. 防止神器刀劍,一直附著的問題(?) Royal jelly and blood filter heal dermatik infections. 蜂王漿與血液過濾能夠治療dermatik感染(似乎是皮下長蟲的病症) Make active items (ticking bombs, rotting food) work in vehicle storage. 使得啟動中物品 (倒數中炸彈,腐壞中食物)在車輛行李箱也一樣 Prevent teleportation and stairclimbing from erasing monsters. 防止傳送與上下樓梯時移除掉怪物。 Lots of UI tweaks. 大量介面調整 Fix bug where items couldn't be thrown over water. 修正無法把物品從水中投擲出水面的問題 Erase scentmap when we move between floors. 移除一些上下樓層時的問題 Handle adjacent overmaps better, including notes. 更好的處理大地圖與註記 Lots of recipes moved fro auto-learn on skill thresholds to being learned from books. 許多配方將只能從書中學到,而非依照技能學到(比較真實) Fixed vehicle rendering when dragging. 修正拖行車輛時的描繪問題 Can craft from items in vehicle storage. 能夠利用車輛的行李箱中的物品來進行製作(站在行李箱旁邊用&時也能用到行李箱中的物品) Only count loudest vehicle engine for noise generation instead of adding them together. 只計算車輛引擎最大聲的部件而非累加各部位上去 Fix weird bug where being too strong made you bad at throwing things. 修正你明明很壯丟擲東西的距離卻很近的詭異問題 Fixed several related vehicle board/unboard bugs. 修正數個判定物品在車上或車外的問題 Player displayed in correct position when peeking. 玩家在進行偷窺的時候會在正確的位置 Fixed lots of menu drawing glitches. 修正大量的介面選單描繪的問題 Height/width options make more sense, total instead of based on view width. 高度/寬度的選項更加合理 Limit indoor dimly lit areas to the same view distance as outside. 在室內的照明區域與室外相同 Fix bug where vehicles and windows projected light at dawn and dusk. 修正在早晨黃昏時車輛與窗戶燈光投射 Targeting defaults to nearest enemy. 目標將預設是針對靠近的敵人(為了修正NPC一看到視野有敵人就上去無雙的問題?) Toggling between enemies includes hostile NPCs. 敵人包含了敵對的NPC Vehicle turrets no longer shoot player or their own vehicle. 車載槍塔不再射到玩家與該車輛。 Fixed issue where exploding items could destroy themselves and cause a segfault. 修正爆裂物會自我摧毀並造成當機的錯誤 Check for errors when attempting to write files and take appropriate action. 寫入檔案時會進行偵錯,並進行相對應處理(避免存檔錯誤) Fixed some lab finale features. 修正一些最底層實驗室的狀況 Fixed vehicle workshops being usable as components in recipes. 能夠製作固定式修車廠 Performance: 效能: Many overmap generation performance improvements. 新區域的生成將更有效率 Stop updating scent if player hasn't moved for a while, makes waiting and sleeping go much faster. 若是腳色一段時間沒有移動就不刷新周邊,讓等待與睡覺時更快(應該比較不容易出現沒有回應的狀況) Optimized bitflag methods for very frequently used flags. 最佳化物品標記方法(程式部分) Heavy refactor of crafting menu for more speed. 調整物品製作選單使其更有效率 Heavy optimization of scent diffusion. 深度最佳化氣味擴散 Declare strings as const to avoid reallocating them all the time. Lots of caching of vehicle parts. 大量快取車輛部件 Vision calculation speedups. 提升視野運算效率 Refactored map loading to chunk up map data into tiny (1KB or so) files, so save/load is nearly instantaneous. 總而言之就是讓存檔/讀檔速度達到頂天。瑜珈服去哪買,瑜珈服推薦 -- Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead 作死的節奏 繁中翻譯討論 http://cafe.naver.jp/TWCataclysm-DDA --

andyeva:詳細推 繼STEAM之前文明4時光屋 現在又一個新時光屋改建 02/25 13:26


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